Samsung Galaxy a52 has 6GB Ram, 64 GB ROM, 32-megapixel front camera, 64 MP Rear camera. The powerful chipset Snapdragon has been used to make the phone and is controlled by the latest Android operating system. The storage on the phone is 128GB. The phone is the best by 2021 in all respects. Its performance is very good. It also has a 4500 mAh powerful battery.
Samsung is an international company. The company’s various products are popular all over the world. such as fridge, television, computer, mobile, etc. However, the company’s smartphones are relatively more popular than other products. Samsung has a place in the top 5 mobiles. So today I have appeared in front of you with a new smartphone of Samsung phone. The name of this series of Samsung phones is Samsung Galaxy.
Samsung Galaxy a52 price 34990
General matters
The official Samsung Galaxy a52 launch date is March 17, 2021. However, in an unofficial way, it has already been published. However, this may change at any time. It has a touchscreen form factor. The length and width of the mobile are 160 mm x 75 mm. However, the thickness of the mobile is 8.5 mm. The most interesting thing is that it has a fast-charging system. With the fast charging system, you can fully charge the mobile in a very short time. This means you can use this method when you have very little time to charge your mobile. This will show that you have been able to take the necessary charge in a short time. There is no possibility of reading the effect again for so long.
Super AMOLED display has been used to create with mobile. The display has all the modern features. Its main function is that if any black part is shown on the screen, the light will not shine in that place. That means there is no possibility of extra charge wastage. The length of the whole display is 6.5 inches. It uses a multitouch and capacitive touchscreen. The screen resolution is about 1080 x 2400 pixels. The aspect ratio is 20: 9.
Hardware performance
How much functionality a mobile will give depends on the hardware. Because the better they are and the stronger they are. Qualcomm Snapdragon 720 chipset and octa-core processor are used. The speed of the octa-core processor is 1.8 GHz. The internal memory is 128GB. Moreover, it supports extra memory. Extra memory supports up to 1000 GB. which is several times more than other mobile phones. You are getting all kinds of additional benefits from this side. Samsung Galaxy A52 6GB Ram. It has used the Android Eleven operating system.
The camera
The mobile has four back cameras. The resolution of the primary camera is 64 megapixels. You can take pictures like DSLR. Due to its autofocus system. Besides, like other mobiles, all the features of the camera are included. The front camera is a total one. 32 megapixels is The resolution of the front camera. Both cameras have LED flash for nighttime photography. Due to which you can upload pictures in a beautiful way at any time.
This smartphone supports 2G, 3G, and 4G. Samsung Galaxy a52 5g supported? To know more go here. It also supports Bluetooth, GPS, WiFi, headphones, hotspot, etc. 2 SIM cards can be used effortlessly. However, two SIM cards are Nano-SIM cards. Moreover, the mobile has several sensors. Fingerprint sensor, compass sensor, proximity sensor, etc. The phone has a 3.5 millimeters audio jack.
The information given to us may be incorrect for any reason. In addition, mobile companies can change and update their features at any time. We will try to give you a quick update accordingly. Compare with the Samsung Galaxy a52 vs Samsung Galaxy a50s.